Saturday, February 7, 2015

Conserving Water at Home

Small actions and changes in water use can add up to conserve water resources and reduce expensive water bills.  Developing water conservation habits now helps stretch our water resources.  Here are some easy tips to get you started:
Reducing Interior Water Use
In the bathroom:
  • Fix leaks that waste water
  • Use a low-flow showerhead
  • Install a faucet aerator to reduce sink water use
  • Shorten shower time
  • Install a high-efficiency flush toilet or dual flush toilet
  • Fix any bathroom leaks, such as faucet, toilet or water hose leaks
  • Don't leave water running while you brush your teeth
  • Collect water that runs while the faucet or shower is heating, then use this to water plants
 In the kitchen:
  • Fix leaks that waste water
  • Use the dishwasher over manual washing when possible
  • Run your dishwasher only when it is full
  • Avoid running water while washing dishes by hand
  • Run washing machine only when it is full

Reducing Exterior Water Use
  • Water the garden in the morning or evening, when temperatures are cooler and water used is less likely to evaporate.
  • Mulch around garden plants and shrubs to help roots retain moisture for longer.
  • Plant new plants in the fall when they're more likely to receive natural rainfall and won't be stressed out by summer heat.
  • Plant local shrubs and flowers that are adapted to grow in your area's natural conditions and may be more drought tolerant.
  • Save water used to rinse produce and use it to water plants.

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